The Pirate’s 11-Year Winning Streak Continues:

With Just 1 Strategy Alone, Preston Banked Over 100% In 10 Weeks

MoneyPress and other Strategies Have Returned 151%+ in 6 months and Are Performing Better than Ever...

The Question Is: Are YOU Making 100%... 151%... Or Any Profit On His Trades Yet?

If you said ‘no’ — I bet I know why...

And the answer I reveal will make this one of the most important invitations you ever receive.

Because there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a trading expert you follow consistently win on his or her trades... and yet YOU continually miss out, because:

  • You don’t know if you’re set up correctly
  • You’re not sure about the correct timing or allocation
  • You don’t understand how to manage risk
  • And you don’t know how to enter/exit trades for maximum return

It’s one of the craziest parts of this business.

I produce winning trades, like a 100% in just 10 weeks, and a portion of my audience is furious.


Because Nothing Is Worse Than Missing Out On Big Profits That Were Literally Right At Your Fingertips

Imagine... you have “access” to the trades... the trading instructions were provided to you...

... but you just lacked either the know-how or confidence to execute those trades successfully.

That’s money that should have been yours... passing through your fingers.

That’s the difference between being a millionaire trader and not...

That’s why, on this page, I’m going to give you the most reliable, rapid way to tap into the considerable profit potential of trades I’m already making...

You’ll soon discover why this has the ability to add five, six or seven-figures to your account...

And how you can quickly go from sitting on the sidelines watching others profit — to getting in the game and executing winning trades with confidence.

As you probably well know — my name is Preston “the Pirate” James.

I've spent nearly 25 years as a top options trader, working behind the scenes and helping engineer one of the most effective retail weekly options trading methods in history... and my 11-year winning streak proves it.

I've been praised by dozens of top publications and traders, as well as trading luminaries like Jon Najarian…

"Pirate... A Guy You Can Trust."

"I've known Preston (aka 'pirate') for coming up on a decade now and he's one of the sharpest option traders around. He's constantly creating opportunities --- he is also one of the best I've ever seen at exploiting those opportunities. I've met hundreds of folks face-to-face that subscribe to his services and I can honestly say that his subscribers speak EXTREMELY HIGHLY of him and the results they've gotten using his systems."

_ Jon "Dr J" Najarian

25-year Veteran CBOE Floor Trader, Author "How I Trade Options"

and Founder of

My Countless Success Stories And Personal Experience Helped Me Realize That ONLY 1 Thing Is Keeping You from Success...

That’s a lack of what I call a “Personalized Profit Plan” (or PPP for short)...

Let me explain:

While I know how effective and profitable the Money Press and my other strategies are…

It’s equally important to know your specific, individualized profit goals…

We need to know your budget…

We need to know your risk tolerance…

We need to know your expectations…

We need to know your experience…

And most importantly — we need to know how serious you are about making enough money to potentially retire a millionaire…

You see, when I started trading… I had a clear vision.

I knew exactly what I wanted:

  • Financial freedom, including million-dollar trading account and weekly income that covers all core expenses and beyond
  • Low-key lifestyle with time to travel, hobbies, family and drinks with colleagues and buddies (especially those in the Money Press community)
  • Opportunity to help others achieve their financial goals and dreams
  • And wake up every day pinching myself because I get to do what I love!

With clear, well-defined goals, I was able to build a personalized profit plan around my trading to achieve all my goals…

... and ultimately, to achieve all this and more.

But without a plan… you are like all the other retail traders throwing money at the market…

… hoping and praying that you guess right.

And when the market doesn’t go your way…

You become like the 86% of retail traders who fail to ever make a single penny of profit…

That’s why the only way to develop a strategic Personalized Profit Plan is to tap into the most effective learning and execution strategy I know…

And that is...


Because if you could create your personalized profit plan by yourself — and execute it — you would have done so already.

But it’s not easy to do this on your own, especially if you’re just starting out.

You often don’t yet know your true income goals, or risk tolerance, or other factors needed to dial in your plan...

What’s more, you probably don’t have the experience to know if your plan is even realistic or optimum for your goals.

All of those things require someone who sees things you don’t... A MENTOR.

And that’s why I’m so confident VIP Mentoring is the key to your success. Because it’s the only way to get a personalized profit plan — coupled with my winning strategies — tailored to your unique needs.

In fact, I'm so confident… if you qualify, I'm willing to connect you with my handpicked best mentors on the Trader’s Edge team…

… who do exactly that — they’ve been trained by ME to work with YOU one-on-one...

The same mentors that helped produce results like these for our mentoring students:

“Very Profitable Experience for Me!”

“I am here to tell you that it has been a very profitable experience for me. Thank you so very much for all you do!”

- George K.

“My Trading and Account Size… Took Another Giant Step Up After The Mentoring”

“My trading and account size has really improved since joining Traders Edge and it took another giant step up after the mentoring. Thank you so much to you, Maggie, Brandon, Mike, Lee, Dan and all of the crew for making such a positive difference in my life! Looking forward to seeing you in person again soon at an upcoming seminar!”

– Russ B.

Trading For 14 Years… And This Is The REAL DEAL

“I've been trading for 14 years. When I first heard about Maggie, I thought her success was too good to be true. It didn't take long to learn she's the real deal. Thanks and looking forward to a long & prosperous relationship!”

- Lisa T.

Or this student:

“The Education Has Been Excellent”

“I have been following the advice of Traders Edge Network for nearly a year and have met several top individuals involved. Their advice is top notch but you have to follow the guidelines they have established to make money. This is something that needs to be learned over a period of months not days or weeks. I signed up for their mentoring project involving a one on one hour consultation weekly or bi-monthly and am very happy I did. The education has been excellent, my trading results positive and my coach is impeccable. The smartest investment decision I have ever made.”

– Carl C.

And just listen to these mentoring students I interviewed:

The list goes on and on…

It Doesn't Matter Whether Your Dream Monthly Net Income From Your Trading Is $5,000 Per Month… $10,000... Or Even $20,000+ Per Month…

This program can do a lot more than boost your trading returns, in less time:

  • Income-generating “trading time” goes up 5X… 10X… even 20X or more...
  • Stress, uncertainty and worry around your trading goes down…
  • Trading goes from FOMO and frustration... to being FUN again…
  • You begin to LOVE trading, and can't wait to jump in each time the opportunity arises…
  • And ultimately your trading results explode…

So Let's Get Into The Nuts And Bolts Of How Your Personalized Profit Plan And Mentoring Works...

As we proceed, keep in mind that each step is essential and cannot be skipped.

We’ve honed this mentoring process for years and have finally determined that these 3 steps help us select candidates most ready to soar.

So if you’re ready to harness the full power of each element in the Mentoring process…

… including SHOWING YOU how each one can potentially take you from zero to consistent trading income, FAST…

Or potentially multiply your existing trading account at a rate that seems impossible now.

And I have no doubt we can get there.

Here’s how it starts...

Step #1: Qualify To Be Mentored By My Handpicked Team of Coaches

To get started, you must first qualify to work with our best-of-the-best mentors…

As you can imagine, this program requires a lot of time and energy on our part…

And to assure that we provide YOU with the most effective and profitable plan possible, our mentors can only work with a limited number of students…

I haven’t just hired mentors off the street…

These are all in-house, experienced Money Press and Weekly Options traders who have mastered ALL my strategies and put them to work on their own accounts...

This Includes Brandon Gendvilas, Our Top Mentor At Traders Edge.

He’s personally helped hundreds of students from all different backgrounds, experience levels, professions, account sizes and incomes. He’s the creator of the Quarterly Money Press Watchlist, using his unique “delta neutral” method when rolling out of Money Presses, and he’ll bring his latest and most compelling edges to Orange County.

Or Brandon, one of our most successful traders…

And You’ll Get To Meet Another Mentor We Are Super Excited To Welcome To The Team: Lee “The Postman” Belmont.

Lee is a father of 4 and a hard-working UPS driver, who recently used my Money Press strategies to achieve financial freedom. Teaching from experience, Lee will be focusing on how you can use an account of any size to generate a steady weekly income and accelerate your ideal retirement.

Those Are the Winning Mentors That Can Make Profits Possible For You

Because what our mentors have been doing for folks is truly life-changing…

They’ve helped hundreds of students reach their financial goals and more…

I’ve been pretty blown away (and secretly proud of them at the same time).

Just look at what they have done for students like this:

From $11,000 Account to $50,000 in 2 Months

“Dear Preston,

I wanted to write to you and thank you for the great work you are doing with the Trader’s Edge Network! Wow! I have tried several different trading seminars, paid to learn other strategies, and even traded Forex for a couple of years but have never been as successful as quickly as I have been utilizing your training and strategies! I started as a WOW insider two months ago, utilizing a small account I had available with $11,000.00. After one month, I was doing so well with your Money Press trading strategy, and your Crowbar recommendations, that I added a $50,000 dollar account and started trading both accounts. In the two months I’ve been trading with your strategies, and with the help of the Great Crew you have assembled, I’ve more than doubled my small account to $27,000.00. And in one month with the second account, I’ve had a $23,000 gain or 46%!!

I know that we will have some trades go against us, and that some months and years will be better than others, but I can’t thank you and your team enough for sharing the hard work and effort you have put into sharing these strategies with us. I am so excited about the ability you are giving me to generate a nice trading income for my family!

Much thanks to all the crew and mentors – Mike, Gabe, Larry, Belinda, Brandon & Maggie!!! You guys are awesome!! All the best!”

- Bob Knappe

That's truly life-changing money we're talking about.

Seeing radical financial transformations like this is THE most rewarding part of helping traders like you... and a big reason why our team is doing these calls.

I want you to have access to this kind of trading growth…

I want you to be the confident, competent, skilled — and ultimately profitable — trader you can become...

That leads us to the next step...

Step #2: It All Begins with a FREE Personalized Profit Call

This is where my success team will dial in your unique blueprint for profit...

In this first call, we'll help you STOP repeating mistakes that lead to nowhere but failure…

… and rapidly build the trading plan to realize your dreams.

There's so much we'll potentially cover:

Like pinpointing your BIGGEST sources of frustration, including anything that may be in your way of getting started right now…

The high-upside trading opportunities you're totally missing right now…

And ultimately, how to speed you down the path of becoming a world-class Money Press and weekly options trader...

We'll begin with taking a deep dive into your goals — because how we execute the strategies depends on what you want to make...

In fact...

NOTHING — No Tactic Or Strategy — Will Give You Sustained Results In Your Trading Unless It's Connected To Your Personalized Profit Plan…

Without that as a foundation, you'll spend 80% of your time on the 20% that gives you the least results…

You won’t be able to manage risk... allocation... none of it.

The good news is… the very same process I've perfected — which I used to gain an unfair advantage in my own trading and create the industry’s best mentors…

… will be available to you—FREE— on this Personalized Profit call.

I've proven – time and time again – that I have the ability to help new traders and investors transform their trading… their accounts… turning their entire financial futures around…

And I've demonstrated I can do it all with the steps in the Mentoring program...

That's why there's really no need for me to "hard sell" this call…

No need to push how "limited" this opportunity is…

Or why it will be "closing" soon… or it's not your fault you've failed...

Or anything like that.

There's A Bigger Reason We’re Doing This Call And I'm Going To Be 100% Transparent Here…

I want my success team to handpick around a number of ambitious traders...

And place them with the coach that can give them the most powerful version of our Mentoring process…

The same process that has ALREADY produced the kinds of staggering numbers like you've seen here.

And if you’re accepted, our elite VIP Mentoring team will personally guide YOU – over the next 120… 180… or 365 days – and help you make the massive leap that we both know is possible…

And not just a leap in income, though we've seen how easy and quickly adding 5 or 6 figures to your trading account can be...

This isn’t about a short run of success and then leaving you on your own.

It’s about setting you up to be successful — for LIFE.

To do that...

We Must Help You Turn Your Trading Account Into The Ultimate Passive Income Engine For You And Your Dream Life...

... and as a vehicle for securing your family's future, forever.

I should note, this is NOT for anyone looking to "get rich quick"… or for gimmicks like "skyrocket crypto" profits…

If you’re familiar with Money Press and followed me at all, you know my feelings about opportunity seekers – who jump from one "next big thing" to another — without ever taking consistent action…

Perpetually getting excited by shiny objects with sexy sales pitches…

… and never actually rolling up their sleeves and doing the FEW simple things that give you the most significant possible results in their trading.

That's what this Personalized Profit Call is all about—and why I must be VERY selective about who we let onto these calls.

Frankly, it's either right for you — or it’s not.

Remember Bob, Who Turned His $11k Account Into $50k In 2 Months Of Mentoring?

Even in the most aggressive tax bracket, that’s more than enough to add 6-figures to his account in a single year...

And guess what? If you want to become a millionaire trader, you must have 6-figure-generating years to get there...

How different would your life be at that level?

How awesome would it feel to no longer be the one watching OTHERS get rich off their trades...

... and instead BE the one executing those winning trades?

It’s possible... as long as you have a Personalized Profit Plan and Mentoring that guides you every step of the way.

This is how you launch a trading business built around your goals, strengths, talents, risk tolerance and current experience…

This One Call Will Speed You On That Path – Faster Than Anything Else You Could Do

Again, this is for YOU – if:

  • You have funds to allocate toward your trading and training...
  • You are serious about becoming skilled at trading my strategies and profiting...
  • If you have an open mind—a beginner's mind—that makes you easy to coach and ensures ego never gets in the way of your success…
  • And if you're willing to work – investing both time and money in the process of achieving your goals…

In other words, you don't have a "push button profits" mindset where you expect something for nothing…

Because while I can help make the process ten times easier, and improve your odds of success considerably…

There's no magic button I can push that will just automatically do everything for you.

It's a clear series of steps – no confusion, nothing difficult – but you must be willing to walk them in the direction we tell you… to get the lifestyle and income results you want.

If that sounds like you...

Step #3: Complete the Application on This Page

The reason for an application is that this is a PRIVATE, 1-on-1 call…

It's focused on you and your trading goals… and it requires us to take time before, during and after the call to evaluate you and provide maximum value…

It's also a way for us to weed out those we KNOW aren't good fits for this type of VIP Mentoring, the "opportunity seekers" who are willing to spend money but quickly become distracted and never make anything happen.

Our mindset is simple:

We HAVE to make the individuals we select successful

We want every single person to be an amazing case study for the powerful NEW profit process I've been quietly perfecting behind the scenes …

There just isn't room for "maybes", and so we do look closely at each application to ensure the greatest possibility of results.

This also means, we have a VERY limited ability to do these calls each week – again, the time demands on our end, including my own… are considerable.

If you get onto the call, consider yourself lucky… and expect the following to happen:

First, we'll help you pinpoint high-leverage areas of STRENGTH, including things you probably don't see now… and how your strengths will translate into an “unfair advantage” in your trading…

Then, we'll look at where you stand regarding the other elements in the Mentoring process— to see if you qualify to work closely with my mentors over the next 90… 180… or even 365 days…

If you do, you'll be extended an invitation to strategize, overhaul, grow and significantly increase your trading returns.

I don't need to tell you how valuable this is…

You’ve Already Heard From Mentees Who've Added $20,000 Per Month To Their Accounts...

My goal would, of course, be to help you see a fast, positive return on your investment in the time with my mentors… and if you're selected, I have no doubt you will.

So again, I'll spare you the hard sell…

I hope you’re committed to becoming the most successful trader possible and building the income of your dreams...

The fact that you’ve made it this far in this message tells me you are.

But your life will either suffer or THRIVE based on the success of your trading – and depends on what you do right now.

By now, you should clearly see what's possible.

The only question is whether you'll take the keys and drive…

To begin, just fill out the application at the bottom of this page.

Both my team and I will be reviewing each application closely, and immediately begin preparing for the call with you.

That's it… and then someone on my team will be in touch with you shortly about setting up your Personalized Profit Call.

If there's space – be prepared to make a massive shift in the way you look at trading… the Money Press… and the level of income and success you can possibly generate.

Our VIP Mentoring Team looks forward to personally working with you.

Preston “the Pirate” James

Founder of Trader’s Edge VIP Mentoring Program

Basic Information
Best Phone Numbers To Reach You
Be sure to list your best phone numbers. We will be contacting candidates by telephone.
Trading Questions